dimarts, 20 de novembre del 2007

Analysing an advert.

This advert is about the childhood of Lionel Messi. He shows us through a drawing his story since he was a child. The story is about his growth hormone problem but he saw that being smaller than the other children he could be agile and play in the same way than the others and that nothing in life is impossible.
The target audience is created for all types of people. The mood given by the advert is sadness in general.It is very attractive and influential.
We have chosen this advert to comment because it transmit feelings that make you think.

The music is calmed,slowly,sad. We feel that in this advert he has the reason because if you have a problem youn don’t have to give up.
The pace of the music is a secondary element from this advert.

In this advert there aren't any special effects.
The colours which dominate in the advert are black and white, because it expresses you different feelings. The logo is adidas and it is presented in the jumper and at the final of the advertisement.

In the advert only appears Lionel messi. The greater representation are boys because they are more interested in football than other people.
The people in the advert are playing football because the main character is showing us the most important element in his life.

The slogan is nothing is impossible and the words which get our attention is the slogan.